Sunflowers ‘Open Pollinated MIX’
Sunflowers ‘Open Pollinated MIX’
Helianthus annuus
A mix of single and branching sunflowers in a range of colours : white, red, yellow, plum and bi-colored with possible hybrid colours as the seed I saved from open pollinated sunflowers. Shapes may vary from classic, double and fuzzy teddy bear. An iconic summer flower, every garden deserves a patch or a few planted throughout. These sunflowers also make great cut flowers and the branching ones create more blooms the more you cut.
Growing information:
Plant Type: Annual
Height: 60-72”
Sun: Full sun
Sow: Start seed indoors in trays 2-4 weeks before last frost; transplant out after all danger of frost has passed; or direct seed into the garden once last frost has passed.
Pinch: Not necessary
Spacing: 9-12”
Days to maturity: 60-75
Seeds per packet: Approximately 30