Dusty Miller ‘Silver Dust’

Dusty Miller ‘Silver Dust’


Senecio cineraria

This remarkable foliage plant stands out for its productivity and uniqueness. With robust, tall stems supporting delicately serrated silver leaves, it showcases a striking appearance. Notably, the more you harvest from it, the more stems it generates, making it a truly rewarding choice. After just four months from sowing, you can begin to cut and enjoy its abundant fuzzy, silvery foliage. For those in warmer climates, this diligent plant can thrive year-round, provided it is mulched appropriately, allowing it to perennialize beautifully. Buckets of this stunning foliage can be collected throughout the entire season.

Growing Information:

Plant Type: Annual / Tender perennial

Height: 12-18”

Sun: Full sun - part shade

Sow: Start Indoors 10-12 weeks before the last frost. Do no cover seed as light is required for germination. Can be direct seeded into garden after the last frost. Transplant out after the last frost

Pinch: Not necessary

Spacing: 9”

Days to maturity: 90-120

Seeds per packet: Approximately 100

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