Orlay “White Finch Lace”
Orlay “White Finch Lace”
Orlaya grandiflora
My favourite lace type flower, White Orlay Finch is one of the fist to bloom in the garden as it is very cold hardy. The delicate petals are really unique as they are much larger than Queen Anns Lace flowers. They make a fantastic cut flowers and look beautiful in the landscape. They can be over wintered or started very early. Cold stratification can help with germination.
Growing information:
Plant Type: Annual
Height: 24-30”
Sun: Full sun
Sow: In mild areas it can be direct sown into the garden in the fall. Everywhere else start seed indoors in trays 6 weeks before last frost; transplant out while weather is still cool. Plants can tolerate a light frost.
Pinch: Not Necessary
Spacing: 9-12”
Days to maturity: 65-70
Seeds per packet: Approximately 50