Nasturtium ‘Yeti’

Nasturtium ‘Yeti’


Tropaeolum majus

This unique beautiful pale cream nasturtium creates long trailing vines. They are a great addition to bouquets and to grow on trellises throughput the garden. The flowers are edible and also act as an aphid attractor in the garden to help protect your other flowers and veggies.

Growing information:

Plant Type: Annual

Height: 5-6 feet

Sun: Full sun

Sow: Start seed indoors in pots 4-6 weeks before last frost; transplant out after all danger of frost has passed.

Pinch: Not necessary

Spacing: 6-12”

Days to maturity: 60-70

Tip: Provide a trellis for support and for vines to climb.

Seeds per packet: Approximately 15

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