Lupin ‘Russel’ Nobel Maiden White
Lupin ‘Russel’ Nobel Maiden White
Lupinus polyphyllus
Lupins are a hardy perennial and require very little maintenance. The flowers look great in a meadow or garden, as well as bouquets. Attracts and provides a food source for bees. Strong stems are great for bouquets.
Plant Type: Perennial
Height: 30-38”
Sun: Full sun - Part shade
Sow: Sow 4-8 weeks before transplanting out in early Spring. Plants will overwinter the following year and bloom in Spring, If planted our very early they may flower in the first year.
Pinch: Not Necessary
Spacing: 12”-18”
Days to maturity: 365
Tip: Soak seeds for 1-3 days or until noticeable swelling occurs then plant into pots before transplanting out later.
Seeds per packet: Approximately 20
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