Larkspur - MIX
Larkspur - MIX
Delphinium consolida ambigua
Colour: Blues, White, Mauve, Purple
A magical mix of smokey purple, white, and purple bi-coloured flowers. Larkspur is very cold tolerant and can be started very early or wintered over. The tall flowers add a fairy tale like look to any garden or bouquet.
Growing information:
Plant Type: Annual
Height: 24-48”
Sun: Full sun
Sow: Start seed indoors in trays 6-8 weeks before last frost and plant out while weather is still cool or direct seed in late fall or early spring. Plants do best when sown directly in the garden.
Pinch: Not Necessary
Spacing: 6-9”
Days to maturity: 110-120
Tip: If starting indoors, put seed package in freezer for 1-2 weeks to cold stratify seeds before planting.
Seeds per packet: Approximately 100
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