Foxglove ‘Straw Foxglove’

Foxglove ‘Straw Foxglove’


Digitalis lanata

A rare and beautiful small Foxglove featuring shiny green foliage and lovely yellow blooms that cluster along one side of the stem. This clump-forming, herbaceous perennial showcases slender, oval, mid-green leaves with a glossy finish. Throughout the summer, it produces dense spires of soft yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that last for an extended period.

Growing information:

Plant Type: Biennial

Height: 24”-30”

Sun: Part sun

Sow: Sow seeds from late spring to early Summer. Plant seedlings at least 6 weeks before your first fall frost. Plants will overwinter in the garden and bloom the following Spring.

Pinch: Not necessary

Spacing: 12”

Days to maturity: 330-360

Tip: *All parts of this plant are poisonous if ingested. Use caution around children and pets

Seeds per packet: Approximately 100

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